Monday, June 14, 2010

Much of Nothing

Too much!
Too much everything
Too much everything everywhere
So easily distracted
Distracted by a voice
Distracted by a view
Dis-tracked by the wind
Distracted by a thought
Thinking too much
Thinking about nothing much
Still thinking
Shut off the lights
Shut off the thoughts
Shut out the world
Shoot out my brains
The drip of a melting sun
Oozing onto the cement
Concrete abstractions
‘Cemental’ illusions
Ghosts from the future
Living in the past
Here and now
Here and how
Hear it now
Do the Gods know everything?
Do they know everything I know?
Do they have secrets?
Who would they tell?
Who would listen anyway?
We’re too busy doing too much of nothing.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gone Fishing....

So Matt's trying to land the big one! He's off fishing somewhere in the lost woods of Saskatchewan, which means we have a little time this week to take care of some other important things like the album cover and a photo shoot. Our brother in arms Andy L did us the honour of snapping some pics for the album. He is also the man behind all the shots you see here on the blog.

After much consideration, we’ve unanimously decided on an image for the cover, now we just need to see how much it’s going to cost us to use it. There’s always a catch…but it’s never a fish.

So upon Matt’s return we’ll be back in the studio finishing up vocals and then it will be time to mix. We can’t begin to tell you just how jacked we are to start mixing this thing. I’m sure it’s going to be almost as thrilling as losing our virginity…and for some of us, even more so! It’s been a complicated journey over the course of the past year + and the completion of this record will be an exorcism of epic proportions.

and so it continues….