Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Listen Up!

Here's a short list of discs we're enjoying this year:

A Brief History Of Love – The Big Pink
Hello Hurricane - Switchfoot
The Problem With Angels - Filter
Dark is The Way, Light Is A Place - Anberlin
This Is War – 30 Seconds To Mars
The Night Before - James
Foot Of The Mountain - A-ha
Waking Up - OneRepublic

Here are some old ones we've been enjoying as well:

Disintegration - The Cure
What's Going On - Marvin Gaye
Amused To Death - Roger Waters
Modern Adventures In Recording – The Buggles
The Golden Age of Wireless – Thomas Dolby

Thursday, September 23, 2010

War Child Busking For Change 2010

It's been a while since we performed live so it felt really good to do so on Tuesday for War Child's 3rd annual Busking For Change. There's such an incredible feeling associated with War Child, the artists and the wonderful volunteers who donate their time. For one day it feels like the world is a little smaller. Everyone who stops to listen, clap and drop a few coins in the bucket truly do make a difference, whether they realize it or not. So, thank you to you all.

As for Shawn, Andy and myself, it felt good just to play some songs and get the rust off. As you know, we've been in the studio for over 5 months now and playing live is such a different beast. We're ready to start playing again...

please donate whenever and whatever you can @ http://www.warchild.ca/

Friday, September 17, 2010

In The Mix!

So we're finally at the mixing stage. It seemed like we'd never get here, but it's all up to Matt now. It's in his hands while we wait like kids for the arrival of Santa. At this point we're kinda in a semi-permanent 'hold-your-breath' mode; anxiously playing out all the possibilites as to how these songs will sound in their final state. Obviously we have a clear vision in mind, as we've had since the first session; but in the recording process, things evolve as you move along and so what you end up with is not often the same as what you started with.

We hope to have something this weekend to share with you...fingers crossed.