Friday, April 29, 2011

Thems Fightin' Words!!

I think I might have discovered my true calling, as evident by me and UFC legend, Chuck Liddell.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Night Time Video

Ask anyone who has filmed a video and they'll all tell you there's a lot of waiting around, but it's all good. After all, there are worse ways to spend a day. So, standing around in a freezing cold warehouse working on a music video leaves little room for any complaining. However, when it came time to film the rain scene, we were all re-thinking that.

What is it with playing music in the rain that seems appealing? Though the lyric does state "like dogs in the rain" it makes no mention of a subzero warehouse or rock hard nipple inducing ice cold water. However, we are dogs playing our music in the rain and we are happy to forgo the comforts of warm water and heated warehouses to prove our commitment.

Perhaps i'm being a little dramatic here, after all, it's just a music video. Nevertheless, we are 100% committed to the music and we're lucky enough to be working with some amazing people who are equally committed to the project. Jimmy Keegan is directing our most recent visual adventure and he`s proving himself to be an amazing talent. His crew is also fantastic and a real bunch of pros. It`s been a pleasure working with everyone on this video. We`ve got one more day of filming to complete, which includes a helicopter and office break-in. After a couple of weeks in the editing suite we will share the final product with you all. But let me reassure you, we`ve seen the dailies and things are looking incredible.

be back soon...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Let's Sign a Deal!!

As you've all seen from the posting on our website/facebook, we've signed a worldwide deal with Spectra Records based in the U.S. Needless to say, we're over the moon excited about it. I don't want to address the whole thing in detail but what is great about it all is that Escape Plan should get the proper attention it deserves. I know we've been talking about this disc for what seems like an eternity, but this really is the record we've been working towards for a long time and we're very proud of it regardless of what the results turnabout to be public wise.

Simply, it was the album we had to make. Shawn's playing is absolutely brillant. Jay really brought the energy we had been missing and I sang my ass off. What Escape Plan represents to us is how we were able to exorcise the demons from our recent past and properly align TAE's musical journey once again.

Bring on the summer!