Tuesday, November 22, 2011

In The Twilight of Divinity

The room was lit like an ancient sunset
The speckled dust frozen in the streams of half light
And the walls stood weary from the passing years
Her face like a painting by Michelangelo
A thought left to be finished for another time
She stared out a glassless window across the fields of pale gold
A life that lay dormant under the weary hands of time
Questions chasing themselves in circles
As the reverie of lost years crutch her spirit
Nothing amputates the sting of failing dreams
Noted in the hint of her soulless smile
Her eyes speak like a silent tongue
A truth more obvious than a feeble lie
In times of desperation does one’s character grow stronger?
Or does it fade away in the twilight of divinity?
A wrinkled portrait of Jesus rests in a frame on the wall
Like a beacon smothered in a dense fog
There is peace in his eyes but pain in his heart
Things are never what they seem

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Big Give

As we live in times where “standing out from the crowd” is what seems to be the desired effect, essentially we all just want to feel normal. In this “Me” world it’s always good to be involved in something much bigger than yourself and on Tuesday night, as we performed at the 1st annual The Big Give event at The Great Hall in Toronto, that’s exactly what we did.

Look Good Feel Better is an organization that holds 1200 seminars for women and teenage girls who have just been diagnosed with cancer. The seminars teach these women how to maintain their self-confidence and elevate their self-image through their battle with cancer. The LGFB workshop brings women with cancer together in a safe and supportive environment where they can share stories, insights, laughter, and feel “normal.” LGFB should be applauded for their efforts in providing some comfort and self-assurance to those who truly need it.

A Massive Thank You to Margot Grant Witz for putting together a fantastic event and all those who gave their time and those who came out in support. We were honored just to be part of it.