Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Blood, New Vibe

So we've been prepping for upcoming shows with a new drummer who goes by the name, Taylor. Despite the process of having to run through the same songs we've been playing for a while, it's been an enjoyable experience seeing how new blood brings new life to the TAE catalogue. We still enjoy playing songs like The Honeymoon Is Over and Wake because we know people really dig those songs and so feeding off the audience is quite possibly the biggest natural high a musician can experience. However, as you can certainly imagine, rehearsing those songs isn't number one in the category of our most fun things to do. Still, we soldier on with only one destination in mind, AWESOMENESS!
We've mixed up the set a bit adding Screams Of The City and My First Robot, both songs we haven't played live for a while, so we're looking forward to that. We're also looking forward to initiating the newb. He's heavily concerned he should be!