Friday, February 19, 2010

4 - 3 - 2 - 1.............

So perhaps our biggest and most important decision has been made. We've chosen Matt Von Wagner to produce the new record. We feel really good with our decision as Matt is a kick ass dude and a 'blow your mind' musician. He's done most if not all of the USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker) stuff among others, and his own band Alpha Galates is just sick!
The direction of the new material is much different from anything we've done in the past as we aim to bring some rather unusual worlds together. Think Filter meets very early Duran Duran. Toss in some Kasabian, a little Vast and maybe The Music and I think that's one tasty cocktail my friends.
Of course, things change as you start to progress and the songs often begin to take on a life of their own. New elements rise to the surface and then the experimental games begin. We suspect Matt is going to open a few trick bags and we'll all start rubbing our hands like twisted evil scientists. Ooh, it's going to fun.
We don't have an album title yet, but here are the working titles for the songs we've selected:
Does Change Mean I'm Changing?
Idiot's Guide To Genius
Night Time
Screams Of The City (I Feel Loved)
The Lost Art Of Breathing
Her Name Is Suicide

Preproduction begins next week and then the next 2 months will be non stop.
We'll be blogging after every session so we can share the process and progress with you.

be back soon....

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