Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Almost There!

So we're getting very close to finishing this disc. We're just putting the final pieces together so we're looking at an August release for Escape Plan. Matt's been building some amazing loops and believe me this record is going to sound sick!
This isn't the same TAE you heard on Antisocial Disorder.

be back soon...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bit by Bit

Chippin’ away bit by bit. As is our tendency, we’re behind schedule. Things happen, distractions occur; life goes on outside the walls of the music house. We’re getting there though. There is light at the end of the tunnel…hopefully, it’s not a train!

Did the vocals for Changing on Monday, which I think went pretty well. Neither Shawn nor I can figure out exactly how to produce this track, but we’re confident that Matt is going to make it all come together.

I only have to track the vocal for Honeymoon and then I will be done all the leads. Matt and I will work on the harmonies next week. Jay still has some bass parts to finish leaving only the electronics to complete. Still a lot of work ahead but we have a definitive deadline of July 19…which we hope is real time and not TAE time.

and so it continues...