Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bit by Bit

Chippin’ away bit by bit. As is our tendency, we’re behind schedule. Things happen, distractions occur; life goes on outside the walls of the music house. We’re getting there though. There is light at the end of the tunnel…hopefully, it’s not a train!

Did the vocals for Changing on Monday, which I think went pretty well. Neither Shawn nor I can figure out exactly how to produce this track, but we’re confident that Matt is going to make it all come together.

I only have to track the vocal for Honeymoon and then I will be done all the leads. Matt and I will work on the harmonies next week. Jay still has some bass parts to finish leaving only the electronics to complete. Still a lot of work ahead but we have a definitive deadline of July 19…which we hope is real time and not TAE time.

and so it continues...

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