Friday, December 10, 2010

Fixin' The Mixin'

Just got a listen to the Her Name Is Suicide mix and holy shit is it sick. It's nothing like anything we've ever done before nor is like anyone else i can think of. It would be in the vein of Kasabian meets Chemical Brothers. Some serious shit for sure.
We're just making some final tweaks here and there and hopefully this record will finally be done. We're exhusted looking back and just thinking about the entire process up to now. It's been another journey of self discovery and the band is another notch older and wiser...we hope. Still a lot to be done but we are very close now.
In other news, we played a private party to 400+ people last week and it was fabulous. It was another acoustic gig but with Andy on keys and Justin on percussion it felt like we were playing a stadium. However, we have started rehearsing again and we're getting pretty pumped to get out there and start playing these songs the way they are meant to be played.
be back soon

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