Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Here's To 2011, Can We Final Release This Album?

As we tip toe into the new year, closing the door on 2010 with a subtle thump, we find ourselves in a state of overwhelming anticipation. We're beyond stoked for the release of Escape Plan. It seems all we've been doing is talking about it, believe me, no one could be more tired of hearing about it than us. We're determined to make it awesome so we've decided to get a couple tracks mixed by some old friends. We've asked Mike Borkosky to handle Night Time and we've sent Promise to our friend Yohann in Paris to see what magic he can make.
In the meantime, we're currently rehearsing for our week long residence in St. Kitts in the Caribbean. We've got to thank our manager Cat @ Selective Image Inc. for all the sleepless nights she's incurred over the past 2 months putting this together. It's kind of a first ever Pop/Rock event at Carnival Village at the St. Kitts resort and yours truly will be headlining the event. Needless to say there's lots to be done between making the set list and choosing the proper SPF!...Fuck it!! We're going for the lobster look.
Now excuse me while I try to find my lime green flame embroidered speedo!

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