Monday, February 7, 2011

We Rocked De Island!

We're back from our tour of St. Kitts. It was an amazing experience on all fronts. Though the majority of the shows were incredible a couple were disappointing. We played perhaps the best we've ever played but a couple of the shows weren't properly promoted and lacked somewhat. However, by the end of the week word had spread around the island and the crowds responded in numbers and with much love. Of course, the trip wasn't without its drama as we feared for our lives on more than one occasion.

There was Justin's near death experience while falling out of a tree. He also nearly lost a leg to a rather dubious looking barrel on the beach. Thank God for the liquor. There was ‘Paranoid Thursday’ as we searched for our disappearing manager while awaiting the death squad to dispose of the "Rock Band from Canada" as we were being evicted from the resort. Not to mention the invitation for a haircut by a local down a rather suspicious alley.
Then there was Brent’s Bono moment in Independence Square as he was surrounded by a throng of school kids requesting autographs. Seeing our faces everywhere around the town as our posters advertised the big event. The radio interviews, the press conference, photos with anyone and everyone. Surreal times indeed.

So many people to thank for taking care of us when we thought we’d have to resort to roasting the cockroaches for dinner. For introducing us to the drink stealing monkees. For giving us a sample of the Island’s untainted herbs. For introducing us to Mama and her makeshift beer store at 2.30 in the morning. For the venomous mountain moonshine we graciously drank one afternoon. For the hazy 4th set we barely managed to complete at Reggae Beach Fest. For driving through the mountains at twilight with the Atlantic Ocean on one side and Caribbean Ocean on the other. For showing us the best places to party! And finally, for preventing us from making the wrong turn down the alley to certain doom.

We Thank You All!
See posts below for more!!

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