Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Weekend That Was

Don’t know where to begin to describe the weekend that was. So let us just say this, the Spirit of Peace and Music Festival in Freeport, Illinois was an experience we won’t soon forget. Nevermind the 30 hours we spent in the van travelling from Toronto to Freeport and back again. Nevermind the impossible task of finding a late night watering hole in downtown Freeport (oh, believe me, we tried). And nevermind the technical difficulties that plagued the first half of our set. Despite all of the attempts from external forces to drag the weekend down some dark alley and leave it for dead, Magnificence strong armed the bullshit, with the help of all the beautiful people who worked the festival and those who attended, and saved the weekend in glorious fashion.

Now, we can’t speak on behalf of every artist who performed nor every soul that came to enjoy the fest, but we can tell you that TAE (aka: The Apollo Effect) made the most of what came our way. We enjoyed our set and gave it our best. So many wonderful locals confirmed afterwards that they too appreciated our efforts and to them we are extraordinarily grateful. You people really know how to humble a bunch of Canadian boys with your pleasant nature and genuine smiles. 

Highlights of the day included a backstage acoustic jam and sing-a-long, watching a great set from Tonic as well as a monster set by Filter. More importantly, the time we spent chatting with both bands backstage made the day even sweeter than we thought possible.

Shout outs to Pat Scully, Fred Brennan, David Hogan, Norine Smythe, Dawoge and everyone who helped make the event the experience it was.

See ya next summer!

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