Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What We're Listening To...

Switchfoot - Vice Verses
More of the same from these lads but sometimes familiarity satisfies like a pair of warm slippers. Plus, when you write songs this good, why change things? Though this album seems to have been recorded during a darker time for the band, the results are very uplifting.

Elbow - Build A Rocket Boys
A bit of a continuation of their previous disc, The Seldom Seen Kid, however, this one is even more melancholic but happily so.

Filter - The Trouble With Angels
The most kick ass album of the past 2 years. Great lyrical themes as well. Another gem from Richard Patrick. Even the bonus tracks, only available with the deluxe edition, are incredible. I think Patrick is in the most focused and prolific period of his career.


Kasabian -Velociraptor!
It’s no secret these guys are one of our favourite bands. 4 albums in now and yet another completely different record. A little less electronic and a little on the softer side than their previous 3 efforts, but equally enjoyable.

Bush - The Sea Of Memories
Back under the guise of Bush, Rossdale seems to have found the spark again. Good collection of songs, if only mildly different from his solo disc Wanderlust. At least he turned up the guitars this time.

IAMX - Volatile Times
We're not likely to see the former Sneaker Pimp, Christoper Corner's IAMX project crack the North American market any time soon. His cabaret-esque dark electronic sound seems strickly European in appeal, which is unfortunate really because it's too interesting and different not to be experienced.

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