Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Blood, New Vibe

So we've been prepping for upcoming shows with a new drummer who goes by the name, Taylor. Despite the process of having to run through the same songs we've been playing for a while, it's been an enjoyable experience seeing how new blood brings new life to the TAE catalogue. We still enjoy playing songs like The Honeymoon Is Over and Wake because we know people really dig those songs and so feeding off the audience is quite possibly the biggest natural high a musician can experience. However, as you can certainly imagine, rehearsing those songs isn't number one in the category of our most fun things to do. Still, we soldier on with only one destination in mind, AWESOMENESS!
We've mixed up the set a bit adding Screams Of The City and My First Robot, both songs we haven't played live for a while, so we're looking forward to that. We're also looking forward to initiating the newb. He's heavily concerned he should be! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Keep Quiet

I suppose I am waiting for it
Nothing here but the silent buzz of empty
No one to disturb my wafting rings of existence
Time being what it has always been
Moving silently
Along an invisible line
Breaths taken and repeated
Steps taken and retreated
Move responsibly
Remain indifferent
Think wisely
Keep quiet
Tiptoe through the parking lot of my mind
Please don’t poke the sleeping bears
Dangerous should just one be disturbed
Distract me please I’m nearing a zenith
We all need to be distracted
We all want to be entertained
I find it all salacious
That we can never agree
While we drown in this cesspool of mediocrity
I’m sure they’re laughing somewhere
When the silence has been broken
How the violence comes calling
Think wisely
Keep quiet
Move on
Don’t wait for it
It won’t wait for you.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Nothing To Say...

I thought I'd write an update stating that we have nothing to say at the moment. It doesn't get anymore exciting than that really. We aren't completely idle though. Shawn is working on a handful of remixes for songs like Lost Art Of Breathing, My First Robot and Lady Wayward. Brent is piecing together a video for Promise while Jay is doing something illegal and/or highly suspect no doubt. Meanwhile, Rob is still in Hamilton.

be back soon...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 - From A TAE Perspective

We didn't really want our first post of the year to be a rant about something silly like Beyonce's baby. However, we do hope that everyone out there sees the absurdity in respect to what appears to be the two most important human beings on the planet? So instead, let's remain positive and talk about what great and amazing things are going to happen in 2012. Here are a few nuggets we believe will be as good as gold, or platinum, since we're emitting positivity.
  • Our album Escape Plan will finally break free on March 6 (Spectra Records).
  • One and/or many singles, TBD, will chart somewhere on this planet.
  • We will be showcasing at this year's SXSW in Austin Texas.
  • TAE will be playing a lot of shows in the US as well as some international shows.
  • All of the members of this band will at some point hug.
  • Shawn will finally get his Wolfgang guitar fixed or perhaps buy a new one! Either way, he'll be adding a new guitar to his arsenal.
  • We will be recording new songs to give away as free downloads and/or package as a new album.
  • There will be many a grudge-eye battles fought on the blood stained ice of the TAE table hockey game. It is expected that Brent will win most of them. Does that sound like a challenge, anyone? Anyone?
  • Pretty sure Jesus will not be performing at the halftime show at the Superbowl this year, however, TAE will most likely be performing at some festivals.
  • We will make many new friends in 2012, at least 2012 of them.
  • Jay will NOT get arrested!
  • It is widely anticipated that our personal vinyl collections will triple by year's end.
  • and lastly, thanks to you, this will be the best year EVER for The Apollo Effect!