Friday, May 28, 2010

Lighting In A Bottle...My Ass!

Further proof that it is indeed impossible to catch lightning in a bottle, twice! Last night was a hit and miss experiement. Captured a great vocal for My First Robot, which was a relief because we had done some serious tweeking to this song. However, I was not so lucky with The Lost Art of Breathing.

Remember back during pre-pro, when we said this song was the thorn in our side? So, like an ugly cold-sore, just when you think it's gone up pops another one. Everything is there, the groove is kick-ass and the guitar bits are sic, but together, it's just not meshing. There's still a lot to add, with keys and loops, but something seems wrong in the chorus? I think my performance was solid, but I didn't like the style in which I delivered it. So we're going to come back to it later in the week and approach it from a different angle.

In the meantime, i'm looking for rabbits again, hopefully not dead ones!

and so it continues....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Let The Head Games Begin

You might think that it would be very exciting for a singer to finally get in front of the mike and lay down vocals. Well, it is. Conversely, there's also a great amount of anxiety that comes along with it. The importance of a great vocal can’t be overstated, so obviously there’s a certain amount pressure involved. It isn’t about confidence or ability; it’s almost a sense of duty. Everyone does their parts, laying down some amazing tracks; the vibe of the song is there, and now it’s all about breathing, it’s about delivery, phrasing, passion, power, intensity, emotion. People have to feel it, they want to feel it. So you better damn well hope the singer is feeling it.

Last Night I was feeling it. It took a few passes; it always does before I get in the zone, but once I locked in, it felt incredible. Pumped out vocal tracks for Night Time and Screams of the City before calling it a day. Back in tonight hoping to pick up where we left off and recapture the magic.

*Special thanks to Yoko for the inspiration.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Dead Set of Headphones

Dead in my tracks
A priest in the high
Standing by a tree
Underneath a satellite
Underneath a dying sun
In-between a dead set of headphones
Can’t hear the air
Can’t feel my face
Can’t believe I waited for this
The surface is in the distance
Like a window on a high-rise
Like a cloud beneath the sea
I’m a tidal wave of emptiness
I’m a fish in a tree
Too good to be true
Just too lost to find you
Wheels on pavement
Nails on a chalkboard
Voices echo like fading bouquets
Howling scissors in a pop can
Drifting to the bottom of the top
Snapping fingers play foreign melodies
This music is making me sleepy
Doors to places unknown
Spread thin across a vast page
Blank stare from a reflection
What does the mirror say?
What does the reflection suggest?
Why can’t I get your voice out of my head?
How do I make such a mess?
I'm hearing your voice through a dead set of headphones.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

NYC and Back

Spent 3 short days in NYC. Took in a lot, walked a lot, saw a lot, drank a bit and saw A-ha! Couldn't have had a better time. Probably pop down for another visit once the record is done and before the summer escapes us.
A-ha was incredible. First tour of North America in 25 years and sadly their last. We saw the last of 3 shows in NYC but the Toronto show was even better. Check out the intro to the show here .

Back in the studio this week to finish off the bass. Vocals next. Can't wait for you to hear it when it's done.
and so it continues...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Quick Update

Hey, just a quick update to say things are moving along nicely. Shawn and I are headed to NYC for the weekend while Matt is on a well deserved vacation. Jay will no doubt be entertaining friends while pacing the confines of his cage. We'll all be back at it early next week. Jay has some bass parts to finish and then I will get started on the vocals, with keys and programming to follow. We're still on target to have everything done and mixed by the end of May.

We just got word that Me Against The World will be featured in an upcoming episode of Degrassi - The Next Generation. It will be airing on Much Music July 26. Meanwhile, our latest video The Honeymoon Is Over will be featured for the next three months at the Shanghai Expo.

and so it continues...