Friday, May 28, 2010

Lighting In A Bottle...My Ass!

Further proof that it is indeed impossible to catch lightning in a bottle, twice! Last night was a hit and miss experiement. Captured a great vocal for My First Robot, which was a relief because we had done some serious tweeking to this song. However, I was not so lucky with The Lost Art of Breathing.

Remember back during pre-pro, when we said this song was the thorn in our side? So, like an ugly cold-sore, just when you think it's gone up pops another one. Everything is there, the groove is kick-ass and the guitar bits are sic, but together, it's just not meshing. There's still a lot to add, with keys and loops, but something seems wrong in the chorus? I think my performance was solid, but I didn't like the style in which I delivered it. So we're going to come back to it later in the week and approach it from a different angle.

In the meantime, i'm looking for rabbits again, hopefully not dead ones!

and so it continues....

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