Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Let The Head Games Begin

You might think that it would be very exciting for a singer to finally get in front of the mike and lay down vocals. Well, it is. Conversely, there's also a great amount of anxiety that comes along with it. The importance of a great vocal can’t be overstated, so obviously there’s a certain amount pressure involved. It isn’t about confidence or ability; it’s almost a sense of duty. Everyone does their parts, laying down some amazing tracks; the vibe of the song is there, and now it’s all about breathing, it’s about delivery, phrasing, passion, power, intensity, emotion. People have to feel it, they want to feel it. So you better damn well hope the singer is feeling it.

Last Night I was feeling it. It took a few passes; it always does before I get in the zone, but once I locked in, it felt incredible. Pumped out vocal tracks for Night Time and Screams of the City before calling it a day. Back in tonight hoping to pick up where we left off and recapture the magic.

*Special thanks to Yoko for the inspiration.

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