Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Accidents to You All!

Often it’s the happy accidents that make a song really interesting and last night we were treated to a few of those accidents. Reggie (aka Shawn) has been tracking guitars for the past few days and things are sounding amazing!! I get so inspired when I hear him lay down his guitar tracks. The thing is with Reg, he has it all locked up inside his head and we don’t ever get to hear his sound-scape until he gets into the studio. It’s the same sort of thing when hearing the songs fully produced when several months earlier they were born from the humble strings of an acoustic guitar. It’s overwhelming sometimes because they are bigger and better than I had ever envisioned. The great thing is is that we all get so motivated by each other’s ability and creativity.

For example, when Reggie changed his approach for The Lost of Breathing it gave the song the spark it had been missing; causing Matt to play a wicked groove on the kit, which in turn, caused Georgie (Jay) to tap out a sick bass line. Breathing has truly been the problem child of the bunch over the past several months, but with each passing session it’s becoming the most interesting track on the album.

and so it continues………….

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