Thursday, April 8, 2010

So finally I got in to the studio to start tracking. We've been in purgatory waiting for the drums to be tracked and edited but let me tell you it was well worth the wait. I did however show up late like usual but at least I didn't get lost! First song we did was Does Change Mean I'm Changing and God spoke to my fingers and created a groove that will get ya moving! To my amazement, it only took 3 takes (pretty sure i'm awesome now). It sounds incredible and somehow this once show opener has transformed into a great album track.

After a shit load of talking, which had nothing to do with the album and more to do with how amazing Matt and I are (haha) we eventually worked on My First Robot (f.k.a. Idiot's Guide To Genuis f.k.a. 4th Floor Pull-out), followed by Matt and I mutually stroking each others egos and talking about how shitty the music industry is. This song has come such a long way from its origins, I'm pretty sure we almost dumped it but now its a HIT! After completely forgetting the bridge we got on track and nailed this one in only a few takes as well and even came up with a couple extra bass lines to really help complement the drums. Unfortunately we had to stop there as it was getting late and we ran out of cocoa butter so we decided to call it a night.


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