Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tone Is Everything

A studio can have the nicest console, a great isolation room and a slick, bowl-cut salesman to tell you how great his studio is. It means fuck all in the grand scheme of things because it comes down to that magic word, Tone.

I wrapped up most of the guitars over a 48 hour period, which meant sleeping at the studio. The collaborative effort and chemistry between Matt and I has been exceptional to say the least. We seem to click on every level and almost read each others thoughts when it comes to the melodic landscape of these songs.

Some moments that really stuck out for me were The Lost Art Of Breathing and Promise (which I'm especially excited about). I haven't really gotten to the clean guitars yet, but Promise is a song I'm particulary proud of and I will be doing other parts, including acoustic guitars, after we re-amp and change the set up. We got 5 different amps with a few different cabs and about a million mics to cover all the dynamics (TONE!..)

and so it continues.....

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